Without question, good hearing makes life easier. Having a fully functional auditory system allows you to hear everything around you. When sound enters the system, it transforms sound waves into nerve impulses, which helps our body respond appropriately. Through the complex processes, our brain can interpret, even the most minute, sounds into bodily functions. These functions are necessary for basic human survival. We can speak, comprehend languages, and process emotions through speech all because we can hear.
Watch: How Hearing Works
Hearing, as it is, is a mechanical sense. It is a unique ability that we often neglect, but without it, we can no longer experience the world of sound. We can hear different sound waves. Typically, humans are capable of hearing sounds ranging from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Hz is an abbreviation of Hertz, named in honor of Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, a 19-century German physicist. It is incredible how much our ears can handle. The loudest we can be exposed to without causing irreparable damage to our hearing exceeds a million times of energy than what is barely audible. Just imagine standing 100 feet away from a jet at takeoff. That is how powerful our sense of hearing is.
Navigate the sections of this review easily–use these Page Jumps:
How Important is our Sense of Hearing
When Loud is Too Loud
Health Risk of Exposure to Loud Noise
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Why Buy Your Child a Pair of Headphones?
Things to Consider
* Build quality
* Hearing Protection
* Sound quality
* Additional Features
* Price
Tips for Buying Headphones
Protect your Child’s Hearing with These Smart Tips
Comparison Review Chart: 10 Best Headphones
The Details
* JBL Junior Kids Headphones
* Puro Sound Labs BT2200
* Etymotic ETY Kids 5
* Lil Gadgets Untangled Pro
* Onanoff BuddyPhones Wave
* CozyPhones Kids Headphone Headband
* BuddyPhones Play
* LilGadgets Connect+
* JLab JBuddies Studio Bluetooth
* Audio KidJamz KJ25
How Important is our Sense of Hearing?
One of the critical functions of our sense of hearing is in response to speech. It allows us to communicate, rationally, and emotionally when need be. Language is the primary aspect that dictates brain development. Hearing empowers us to live each day without limitations. With our ability to hear everything in our surroundings, we become aware of the dangers that lie ahead.
Most importantly, it keeps us connected to the outside world. Our sense of hearing provides unique capabilities that we must protect and take care of beginning from an early age. Research shows that infants who are more exposed to spoken words from their parents tend to learn how to read earlier. Compared with their peers, they perform better in school as a result.
Watch: Journey of Sound to the Brain
Hearing is something we quickly take for granted. Yes, we might miss a few words, here and there, but move around without worrying about it and going on with our everyday life. Effortlessly, we talk to one another, take phone calls, listen to the radio, and watch TV without paying it a second thought. And today, even our kids do it.
In this day and age, adults are not the only ones who know how to work their way through intricate cellphone and computer interfaces but children as well. Aside from the television, these devices are a great source of entertainment for them.

A study by Dr. Brian D. Johnson and Dr. Laurie Berdahl reveals that American kids now use electronic media for about 9 hours a day. Most of this time is spent on seeing and hearing almost anything, anytime, and from anyone. They use them to watch movies, videos, play games, listen to music, and for some, Facetime their loved ones as well. These devices can help your children learn and become more informed about the world around them if controlled. More often than not, these devices are used by parents also to make their children behave, sit quietly in the car, get into their stroller, do their homework, take a bath, or even go to the bathroom.
Due to the usage, gadget accessories such as headphones have also been in high demand for children. A pair of headphones for your child may be perfect. Children usually use laptops or smartphones and make use of the sounds, and it may cause a distraction for the people around them when their volume is in full gear. By using headphones, they will not be disturbing the people around them. But always be wary about the adverse effects of using headphones.
When Loud is Too Loud
When your kids are glued to their gadgets with headphones on, you should be aware that this can gravely affect their hearing. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communications Disorders (NIDCD), 85 decibels can damage the hearing. This is especially damaging to kids as they are exposed to the various range of sounds at different levels and as frequently as every day. Even daily commuters who ride the subway are at high risk of hearing disorders. The subway reportedly produces 90 decibels, which can deteriorate hearing. This range is significantly higher than a normal conversation, which is measured at about 60 decibels. NIDCD considers this level safe for hearing.
Consider that 15 minutes of listening to music with headphones on can reach over 100 decibels. This 15 minutes can cause permanent damage to your ears.
Health Risk of Exposure to Loud Noise
With even smarter smartphones, we have the freedom to listen to our favorite songs, and more, through a pair of headphones. Kids are taking advantage of this technology without thinking of the possible repercussions on their hearing. From streaming movies, watching YouTube videos, and video games, there are many reasons why wearing headphones almost the entire day. But with more extended time spent with loud sounds pumping directly into our ears, this can damage our hearing. Children who are used to set the volume too high while wearing their headphones are more prone to hearing loss. Research has confirmed that prolonged exposure to loud volumes can and will lead to hearing loss.
A recent study that focused on the link between headphone use and hearing loss among children showed alarming results. Among the 3,116 teens and preteens, 40% use portable music players. Due to frequent exposure to loud sounds and for more extended periods, they were less able to hear high-frequency sounds. This is due to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), a kind of hearing disorder prevalent among that age range.

NIHL may cause immediate damage, but it can also take a long time for one to notice its signs. Some may experience NIHL temporarily or permanently and may affect one or both ears. The disorder damages sensitive structures around the inner ear. Even if you cannot tell, you are damaging your hearing, and as you age, then it will become more evident. Regardless of the circumstance by which noise-induced hearing loss might affect you, NIHL is something that you can control and prevent.
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Watch: Too Loud for Too Long: Loud Noises Damage Hearing
People of all ages can be affected by NIHL, but our kids are the most vulnerable. Children teens, as well as adults, can develop NIHL over time, having been exposed to harmful noise. Based on a 2011-2012 study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at least 10 million adults under 70 or 6% of the population in the U.S. showed signs of hearing loss. This is on top of the 40 million adults or 24% exhibiting the same features linked to the disorder. They are affected in on or both ears due to excessive exposure to damaging loud noise. An alarming 17% of teens ranging from ages 12 to 19 showed features suggestive of NIHL.
Other health risks from being exposed to loud noise include high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and cardiovascular disease. It may also cause an inability to concentrate, as well as sleep disturbance, headaches, and even premature births. Recent data suggests that it also affects a child’s behavior. There is growing evidence that can link prolonged exposure to loud noise and hyperactivity among children. That is why you need to be involved in buying your child a pair of headphones.
Why Buy Your Child a Pair of Headphones?
Deciding on the best headphones for your child is unlike any shopping activity. It is more than just fun designs and cheaper alternatives. There is a lot to be considered now that companies are designing headphones specifically for children. Children’s ears are hyper-sensitive, and it is essential to search for the ones that will help protect these. According to Jill Lowther, a doctor of audiology at Audiological Consultants of Atlanta, children’s ear canals are smaller compared to adults making the sound arriving at a child’s ear to be louder. Because of the fragility of their children’s ears, parents should always take extra precautions.
Considering these, we have reviewed ten best headphones in the market that may be perfect for your child. Below are the things that you should consider before buying the product.
Things to consider:
There are so many headphone options for your child in the market right now that it gets overwhelming to choose. Here are the things you should consider or keep in mind when looking for the perfect headphones.
Build Quality

Build or durability of a product matters, more so when children are involved. Parents would agree that children are not usually gentle on practically anything. This means that their headphones will most probably be putting up with a lot of abuse. It has to make sure that even if it experiences a lot of rough play with the child, it will still be functional. It would be a waste to spend a lot on a pair of headphones that a child can only use once and gets destroyed after one afternoon of play.
Hearing Protection
Compared to adults, kids have a more sensitive auditory system. Their ears are still developing, allowing them to hear frequencies older people can no longer pick up. They are not yet exposed to loud noises as much as adults have. However, in a generation of internet natives, kids are always glued to their tablets or smartphones and are listening to all kinds of music through a pair of headphones. Keeping volume levels to a non-destructive level is essential because loud sounds or music can adversely affect their hearing. Because of this, some headphones have been developed with built-in volume reduction. This feature makes sounds less damaging to every kid’s ears; therefore, their hearing. With this feature, parents can save time on checking whether their child is keeping their sounds at a minimum.
Sound Quality

The build is not the only quality we should be looking for. Sound quality is also something we should be particular. Excellent sound quality means your kid will be getting crisp, clear, and undistorted sound for better entertainment. Headphone sound quality measures levels of accuracy and enjoyment.
Better sound quality means higher efficiency and enjoyability. But there is no absolute reference by which sound quality is measured. It will all depend on your taste. Also, be wary of wear and tear. Make sure that its performance will not quickly deteriorate after a day of use. Some headphones that are easily damaged by a few accidental drops, kicks, anon their sounds with just a little throw or kick from a child. Both build and sound quality have to withstand these to deliver better service for your little one.
Additional Features
Because of the competition, companies have also been constantly improving, integrating innovations to the products they produce. They strive to add unique features that will set them apart from the rest of the competition. With this in mind, we thought it best to also check the additional features (if any) of the headphones. Some headphones have microphones, adjustable headbands, and are foldable, making them compact and easy to store. Some, more high-end pieces, can function through wireless connectivity, and wired. Companies have also upped their technology when it comes to materials. This makes for a more competitive build and durability, which are also worth looking into.
For some, if not most, price is the determining factor in every purchase. When it comes to kid’s headphones, many choices also come at different price points. How much you would want to spend is totally up to you. We understand that you only want what is best for your kid. We present you with a multitude of practical choices at reasonable costs. So we will consider the price of the item given the specs and features to assess if the price is fair or not.
Tips for Buying Headphones
Besides the things to consider when buying a pair of headphones for your kid, we are also here to give you a few shopping tips. With technological advancement, you can never be too sure about the gadgets you take home for your children. Kids entertainment mostly revolves on video games, watching videos online, and streaming music from their tablet or smartphone. For entertainment purposes, a pair of headphones is a must. Headphones have become a norm these days, but they can also pose potential harm to their development, especially to their hearing. Protecting your kid must be your top priority.

First, find a product that is kid-friendly by checking the safety features that come out of the box. A headphone that comes with a volume limiting feature is an excellent way to start. Arguably, it is the most crucial feature that your kid’s headphone must be equipped with. With this, parents can set the volume according to what is considered proper for kids, which is around 70 decibels. Having a volume limit can significantly protect your child from long-term damage to their damage or even hearing loss. However, this feature is not enough to prevent any of these.
Second,it must fit comfortably. Wearing headphones has become second nature for kids. It is a great part of their daily routines. When shopping for a new pair for headphones for your kid, find the one that provides the right fit. Ideally, you bring your child along so he or she can try it on and decide whether or not it is the ideal fit. They can also determine what headphones to choose to depend on their size and feel. It is best this way, or else you will lose money if your kid suddenly decides that what you bought is uncomfortable.
Third, choose within your child’s age group. Most headphones that are marketed specifically for kids come with age recommendations. Be sure to shop for something that is made for your little one’s age to ensure that he or she will get the best out of the headpiece.
Lastly, consider the piece’s durability and warranty. We all know that kids can be a little rough with their belongings. They are not particularly careful with their stuff, so you need to make sure that your purchase can withstand your kid’s every whim. Invest in something durable, one that can endure the handling of a child. A manufacturer warranty must be expressly provided upon purchase. The benefit it provides goes beyond materials, build, and sound quality. Knowing that the headphones come with a Warranty can be both reassuring, as well as making it a worthy buy.
Protect your Child’s Hearing with These Smart Tips

- Set clear rules for when they can use their headphones. Ideally, you limit your child to 2 hours a day of continued headphone use. If they go beyond the limit, make sure that the volume limit is on and stays lower than 80 decibels.
- Choose a headphone that has a noise-canceling feature. Over-the-ear or in-ear headphones which carry a noise-canceling feature, and has a good seal, your kids will less likely turn the volume up too high. But you must make your child aware that this feature can be dangerous. Remind them that they need to stay mindful of their surroundings. Safety is always a priority.
- Always set the volume at a minimum.
- Remind your kids to take regular breaks to give their ears a rest. Allowing their ears to rest will help prevent hearing damage.
- Always listen with both ears. Tell your kids to wear their headphones or earbud on both ears. When they are only listening through one ear, they are tempted to turn the volume to the maximum, putting more stress to the ears, therefore, more risk.
Now that we have laid out the considerations in choosing a headphone for your child, here is a list of Top 10 Best Headphones for Kids. The list includes options from different brands, ranked based on their Build, Hearing Protection, Sound Quality, Additional Features, and Price. They will be rated for each of these features from
to , and will have an overall score as calculated by their average .Comparison Review Chart: 10 Best Headphones
Here is a chart featuring top-rated headphones. A more detailed review of each product follows the chart.
Brand | JBL JR300BT | Puro Sound Labs BT2200 | Etymotic ETY Kids 5 | Lil Gadgets Untangled Pro | Onanoff BuddyPhones Wave | CozyPhones Kids Headphone Headband | BuddyPhones Play | LilGadgets Connect+ | JLab JBuddies Studio Bluetooth | Audio KidJamz KJ25 |
Price | $49.95 | $79.99 | $44.95 | $49.95 | $79.99 | $18.97–$19.97 | $49.99 | $15 | $30.00 | $14.99 |
Volume Limiter | 85dB max | 85dB max | 76dB max | 93dB max | 75dB 85 dB 94dB max | 85dB max | 75dB 85dB 94dB max | 93dB max | 85dB max | 85dB max |
Best for ages | 3-10 years old | All ages | 4 years old & above | 4 years old & above | 3 years old & above | 1 year old & above | 2 years old & above | 2-8 years old | 4 years old & above | 4-12 years old |
Earphone Type | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | In-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones | On-ear headphones |
Connectivity | Wireless Bluetooth | Wireless Bluetooth | Wired | Bluetooth & wired | Bluetooth & wired | Wired | Wireless Bluetooth | Wired | Wireless Bluetooth | Wired |
Warranty | 1 year | 1 year | 1 year | 1 year | 1 year (extendable to 2 years) | 180 days | 1 year (extendable to 2 years) | 1 year | 1 year (extendable to 2 years) | 1 year |
Connection | Bluetooth | Bluetooth, Stereo 3.5mm | Stereo 3.5mm | Bluetooth, Stereo 3.5mm | Bluetooth, Stereo 3.5mm | Stereo 3.5mm | Bluetooth | Stereo 3.5mm | USB, Bluetooth | Stereo 3.5mm |
Weight | 110.0 g | 170.0 g | 90.0 g | 115.0 g | 108.0 g | 50.0 g | 109.0 g | 140.0 g | 136.0 g | 108.0 g |
Battery Life | 12 hours | 18 hours | – | 12 hours | 24 hours | – | 14 hours | – | 13 hours | – |
Charging time | Less than 2 hours | Less than 2 hours | – | Less than 3 hours | Less than 3 hours | – | Less than 3 hours | – | Less than 2 hours | – |
Remarkable Feature/s | It produces rich bass depth and crisp highs. It has a balanced sound signature that is still powerful despite the volume limiter. | It has effective passive noise isolation and has simple controls on one earcup. This model is built with an aluminum headband and earcups (unlike previous models that were made with a plastic headband). Headphones are available in a variety of colors. | Its box includes a shirt clip, thee ear tips in various sizes, and a carrying pouch. | It has a built-on SharePort that allows audio sharing without using a splitter. It can also be adjusted on different head sizes. | These headphones are waterproof and can last until 24 hours of use. They are also available in different colors with different design feature characters. | Unlike typical headphones, this one comes in a headband form. This makes it ultra-compact and extra comfortable for your child. The design makes it conducive for toddlers to use. The headband is also adjustable and washable. | It comes with a detachable cable with an in-line microphone and audio adapter for sharing music. It can also come with a built-in microphone and controls used for skipping songs and managing volume. You can also choose from 3 presets of the volume limiter. | Unlike most kids’ headphones, the design is circumoral or over-ear. You can set a limit volume in its settings and set a password for it. | It delivers useful volume limiting and no sound distortion without breaking the bank. | This pair has a switch for volume limiting so you can either turn it on or off. |
Ear cushion material | Frogskin | Soft leather | Ear tips | Polycarbonate ear pads | Hypoallergenic IP67 waterproof ear pads | Soft fleece material | Hypoallergenic IP67 waterproof ear pads | Polycarbonate & SoftTouch fabric | Plush leather | Hypoallergenic foam ear pads |
Website | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link | Link |
The Details
JBL Junior Kids Headphones
“Listen like a Rockstar.”
Watch: JBL Junior Kids Headphones
Fun, modern, and colorful are the few things that one might say about the JBL Junior Kids Headphones or the JBL JR300BT. It is a wireless headphone with a built-in microphone designed specifically for kids, making them feel like a Rockstar!
JBL by HARMAN is committed to creating safe and kid-friendly products to ensure that every kid is safe while consuming entertainment. Parents all around the world are at peace with JBL products. The company provides that it only uses non-toxic materials while maintaining sustainability and innovation. HARMAN engineers modern-day solutions to enhance life’s experiences. Audiophiles of all ages depend on HARMAN to deliver only the best in sound quality whether in the studio, on stage, or at home and on the go. JBL extends the same spirit of innovation to every person who holds a HARMAN product. As a tech company, it aims to simplify the way people connect and interact with technology. And with JBL’s kids’ headphones, it touches the lives of the young, while engaging in the changing world around them.
Watch: JBL Jr Headphones
Safe, lightweight, and designed with kids in mind. It is JBL’s latest creation for kids to enjoy wireless entertainment. The JBL JR300BT is a Bluetooth enabled. This feature allows them to connect with their pair from up to 15 meters away. And with easy to operate controls, they will not even need an adult’s help. Kids will enjoy the freedom from wires, and ease of connection with the JBL JR300BT. The junior headphone model is equipped with proprietary JBL Safe Sound Technology. Every parent is assured that kids remain protected from the damaging volume level as they entertain themselves with music or games. With JBL Safe Sound, the volume limit remains below 85 decibels, making the piece safe for even the youngest Rockstar in the making.
Your kid will surely enjoy customizing his or her piece with the SetKids stickers that come with every unit. Also, they can choose from three colors – pink, teal, and blue.
In terms of sound quality, the JBL JR300BT produces rich bass depth and crisp high sounds. Your kid will not miss out on any tune or word when wearing the headphone. Despite the volume limiter, the earpieces still produce a powerful and balanced sound signature. Kids can listen comfortably with a custom-designed soft padded headband. The soft ear cushions made from frog skin PU leather
provide a feathery lightweight feel giving your youngster a comfort fit.
Out of the box, you will get a pair of headphones, one USB charging cable, a warranty card, a warning car, and an OSG. The headphone comes with only two buttons. One is for pairing with any Bluetooth enabled device, usually a smartphone or an iPad. The other one is the Play/Pause button. It also serves as the power button. Long-press the same to power up the ultimate kids’ headphones! And because it is foldable, your kid can easily fold it for storage. The unit does not come with a carrying case and sells at $49.95.
The JBL JR300BT promises to deliver 12 hours of non-stop entertainment. Considerable battery life for something so compact. And within 10 minutes of charging, you can get 1 hour of playing time. If you want your kid to experience JBL traditional sound design, this is the one for you.
Rich bass, crisp highs, superior balanced sound quality | No carrying case |
Very effective volume limiter | Cramped buttons |
A padded headband and cushioned earpieces | |
Comfortable fit | |
Fun, vibrant colors | |
Customizable exterior |
Our Verdict


Hearing Protection

Sound Quality

Additional Features


Puro Sound Labs BT2200
Watch: Puro Sound Labs Volume Limited Bluetooth Kids Headphones
“Limit The Volume, Not The FunTM”
Consistently rated as the best kids’ headphones, the Puro Sound Labs BT2200 is arguably the best in the market. A product of years of tedious research to eliminate the preventable Noise-Induced Hearing Loss among kids in this generation and the next. Puro Sound Labs BT2200 is a passion project of the father and daughter duo – Niki Russell and Dave Russell. Niki suffers from NIHL herself and is committed to combating this disorder by creating the world’s best, safest, highest quality headphones. This model is a wireless, on-ear headphone that boasts maximum protection for every kid who owns one.
Puro Sound Labs believes that fighting the growing epidemic of NIHL includes providing high-quality, affordable, and healthy products that put consumer’s hearing first. It aims to be every child’s entertainment companion. In doing so, we will see a drastic reduction in the number of children and adults suffering from the disorder. With Puro Sound Labs BT2200, the company was able to disrupt the headphone industry with a remarkable innovation, specifically for kids.
Eventually, your kids will outgrow their wired earphones and will request for an upgrade. Aside from the cost, as a parent, you want to make sure that they get something of high-quality product that is designed with their safety in mind. First introduced in 2014, Puro Sound Labs BT2200 and was targeted for kids and is available in four colors – black, blue, red and teal. Each color gives out the same classy exterior. Compared to the JBL JR300BT, this model has a rather sophisticated look that gives your kid a clean and grown-up feel. And because of its aluminum body, it can take all the beating from the little ones. Aluminum-bodied does not mean uncomfortable. Each pair is equipped with an adjustable headband, and both earpieces are cushioned with quality ear pads made from durable materials, mostly soft leather.
This pair of headphones aim to protect kids’ eardrums by following the recommended 85 decibels-limited volume range as published by the WHO. It produces substantial bass depth, a reliable volume limiting feature, and both wired and wireless playback. With Puro Balanced Response Curve™, the amount will remain below the recommended decibels. The design promises 82% Ambient Noise Isolation to keep out all the ambient sounds for maximum enjoyability. Ambient Noise Isolation minimizes sound distortion, while still producing warm bass without overpowering other sound quality features. Kids will get a studio-grade audio quality at a reasonable price of $79.99.
Quality is at the core of Puro Sound Labs, so this pair will not quickly outgrow your little one. With a single touch, they can easily pair it with an iPhone, an Android device, or any other compatible devices. The one-touch Bluetooth connectivity makes pairing and listening hassle-free with a 30-foot range. Your kid is free to dance or move around to the music without fear of losing connection. Plus, with 18 hours of battery life for music playback, they can enjoy non-stop entertainment. Charging is a breeze with the fast-charging feature.
We are happy to report that the Puro Sound Labs BT2200 comes with a carrying case in the box, along with a charging cable, a 3.5mm limiter audio cable. Get your child something that will give them all-day safety, and this is the perfect product for the job.
Studio-quality sound | On the pricier side |
Effective volume limiting feature | Design is not appealing to kids |
Remarkable Ambient Noise Isolation | |
Adjustable headband and cushioned earpieces | |
One-touch Bluetooth connectivity | |
Elegant design | |
Various colors to choose from |
Our Verdict


Hearing Protection

Sound Quality

Additional Features


Etymotic ETY Kids 5
Watch: Generation Hear - Etymotic Research Inc.
“It’s about children. It’s about hearing for a lifetime .”
Today’s tech-connected kids need a safe, and reliable earphones to keep them entertained during hours of downtime. The Etymotic Kids 5 is a safe-listening earphone, engineered for safe sound output, making it an ideal product for kids four years old and up. Despite the safety feature, the earphones maintain the signature Etymotic’s exceptional sound quality. Etymotic Research, Inc. is committed to creating kid-safety engineering. The company does so by controlling earphone sensitivity, giving kids the freedom to decide the volume setting on their gadgets.
Etymotic Research, Inc. was founded by Mead Killion, Ph.D. in 1983 with the mission to design a product that accurately assesses and protect hearing, and improves the lives of those living with NIHL. Etymotic, meaning “true to the ear,” is a commitment to every consumer to enhance their listening experience of music lovers and musicians in the making everywhere in the world. The research company has deep roots in acoustic research as well as the hearing aid industry. In fact, in the year 1984, Etymotic invented the insert earphones – an exceptional innovation.

The Etymotic Kids 5 is an in-ear headphone providing a secure fit for any kid who spends more of the day listening to music. It is a wired headphone made of neodymium moving coil driver with Kevlar®-reinforced 4 ft cable for durability with a 3.5 mm plug. While some enjoy the fit and feel of an in-ear headphone, some may feel uncomfortable. Due to the proximity of the earpiece to the eardrum, parents may find this unhealthy. However, you can rest easy because everything is within reach with the built-in volume control. Kids are safe especially when they limit their listening time to only up to four hours a day. They are set to experience high definition sound quality. ETY Kids 5 earphones block background noise ensuring that kids will hear every sound detail and register. And even if the volume is set too low, you will not hear any complaints from your little music lover.
Kids can choose from three colors – black, yellow, and pink. The proprietary three-flange ear-tips provides astounding sound isolation. Out of the box, you will get a pair of headphones and an informative user manual, and a handy carrying case. Inside the case, you will get a small clip, which you can attach to the cable to securely fasten the headphone to your kid’s shirt. Plus, it comes with a set of alternative ACCU•Fit ear tips that comes in different sizes. This is a bonus for anyone who wants to take advantage of the Etymotic CUSTOM•FIT option.
ETY Kids 5 costs $44.95 apiece, a reasonable price tag for something that promises excellent sound quality, durability, and lifetime for pure fun. All in all, the product will surely exceed all expectations, both for children and adults who value the safety of their hearing. If ever ETY Kids 5 fall short, you can always avail of the 30-day return or the warranty policy.
Custom-fit ear tips | No wireless connectivity |
Effective volume limiting feature | Ear tips may feel uncomfortable for some kids |
Excellent noise isolation | The wire can feel a little short |
Durable wires | |
Built-in volume controls | |
Vibrant color choices |
Our Verdict


Hearing Protection

Sound Quality

Additional Features


Lil Gadgets Untangled Pro
Watch: Untangled Pro Premium Volume Limited Wired Headphones with SharePort for Kids
“Inspired by our family. Shared with yours.”
Beautifully crafted Bluetooth headphones designed by a family. The Lil Gadgets Untangled Pro is the first and the original Bluetooth wireless headphones perfect for kids ages four and up. It is compatible with almost all Bluetooth-enabled devices and integrates the Untangled Pro with the unique SharePort feature, which makes sharing between friends and siblings a little easier. This is a remarkable innovation by LilGadgets, a company founded by parents who were not satisfied with what was available in the market.
LilGadgets is dedicated to its mission of providing kids with a reliable product they can love. By delivering exceptional experience through sound, kids get to experience high-quality products primarily designed for their comfort. The LilGadgets family hopes to give your entire family the chance to connect, share, and love all features that come with every pair of headphones.
Watch: Pairing the LilGadgets Untangled Pro Children's Bluetooth Wireless Headphones
The Untangle Pro headphones from LilGadgets takes a brave design decision. Most of the headphones featured in this article carry an 85 decibel-limit, but this model reaches 93 decibels. It goes beyond the WHO recommended 85-decibel safety ceiling when kids continuously listen in for up 8 hours a day. LilGadgets went beyond the roof because the volume limit can be somehow higher when listening time is shortened. This comes with the confidence that kids have the discipline to cut down continuous listening. For $49, the Untangle Pro proves to be a good buy. It is especially useful in long flights and car rides. Ambient noise is quickly canceled by turning the volume up. Choose this pair if you want your kid to enjoy his or her device in whatever environment.
Offered in six (6) eye-catchy colors – black, white, purple, pink, blue, and green, it will fit snuggly even in a four-year-old. With padded earpads and headband sporting the SoftTouch breathable mesh material, it is not only comfortable but will also fit securely. The one-of-a-kind SharePort feature will allow your kids to connect with another Untangle Pro device or devices so all listeners can share the fun.
LilGadgets developed, designed, and tested this product with kids of all ages. They guarantee durability and 100% satisfaction from every consumer. This design is a Gold Recipient of the Mom’s Choice Awards. Every child who gets his or her hand on the Untangle Pro will surely love the way it sounds, looks, and feels. With a 12-hour battery life, they can enjoy non-stop fun. This can even go up to 180 hours of standby battery. In the box, you will find a 3.5 mm plug with cable for when the battery is used up. Listen to your music the old fashioned way. Arguably, this added feature is the best one yet. Your kid can carry their headphone inside the micro-fiber travel bag that comes with every unit.
Lastly, for every purchase of the LilGadgets Untangle Pro, a portion of the profit will go towards bullying prevention and awareness. This is made possible by the company’s partner organizations. You will not only give your kid a product they will enjoy, but you will also help a worthy cause.
Comfortable earpads made with SoftTouch breathable mesh material | Volume limit is beyond the WHO recommended ceiling |
High-quality audio output | When the cable is attached, the volume can be too loud |
Effective volume limiting feature | |
Excellent noise isolation | |
Doubles as a wired headphone | |
Built-in volume controls | |
Wonderful color choices |
Our Verdict


Hearing Protection

Sound Quality

Additional Features


Onanoff BuddyPhones Wave
“Trusted by Parents, Loved by Kids. Rain or Shine.”
Watch: BuddyPhones WAVE 2017
BuddyPhones WAVE is wireless and waterproof. It claims to be the best kids headphones that entered in the electronics industry. Unlike your typical headphones, this pair has more to offer to your kids. Specially designed and engineered for kids ages three and up. With a feature-rich model, a high price is expected, but the BuddPhone WAVE remains reasonably priced at $79.99. ONANOFF is rooted in the idea of producing easy-to-use electronic accessories that have become essential in today’s modern world. The name ONANOFF is a reference to “on and off,” the most fundamental action required of all electronics.
As a company, ONANOFF is committed to making the modern world easy to navigate, especially for children. With its headquarters strategically based in Hongkong, consumers are assured that they take a hands-on approach in manufacturing. ONANOFF pursues its passion for technology by bringing value to electronics in the pursuit of innovation.
Watch: BuddyPhones WAVE
BuddyPhones WAVE by ONANOFF is the first-ever wireless on-ear headphones that are also waterproof. These volume-limiting headphones were designed especially for kids. Offering wireless connectivity for up to 10 meters and a fantastic battery life of up to 24 hours, kids have the freedom to move around all they want. The BuddyCable that comes in the box is an alternative for when the battery dies or when your kids prefer listening with a cord. And with the BuddyCable system, up to four kids can piggyback to one device. This makes entertainment more fun for young friends.
The WAVE features four very unique designs – Unicorn, Robot, Monkey, and Bee. Each design will surely attract any child and will get them excited to use their pair. For the parents, the ONANOFF BuddyPhones WAVE features four distinct volume settings that will cater to your child’s need, as well as their age and their environment. Choose from Toddler, Kids, Travel, and StudyModeTM. When in Toddler Mode, the volume ceiling is at 75dB. While in Kids Mode and Travel Mode, the volume limit is at 85dB and 95dB, respectively. Safe Toddler Mode limits the maximum volume to 75dB. This is best for children with sensitive hearing, those with attention deficits, and kids in the spectrum. The Kids Mode, on the other hand, features the WHO-recommended volume, which is considered safe for kids of all ages.
Lastly, StudyModeTM is an innovative new setting from ONANOFF. It uses proprietary technology designed for optimal vocal clarity and enhances speech. In StudyModeTM maximum volume reaches 95dB. ONANOFF believes that this volume is perfect for studying, especially when learning new languages. And with ambient noise cancelation, kids can focus without any distractions.
Every box of ONANOFF’s BuddyPhones WAVE contains headphones with a sticker set for customizing. Just like the JBL JR3000BT, the WAVE is sturdy and lasting. The headband is and foldable, made from calibrated polypropylene plastic. It is water-resistant and has an airplane plug. The storage is compact and handy. Each headphone also comes with a carrying pouch with matching designs. You also get an optional travel kit with a protective hard case.
Waterproof; hypoallergenic IP67 waterproof ear pads | One mode goes beyond the WHO recommended ceiling |
Features the proprietary BuddyCable system allowing up to four kids to share one gadget | On the pricier side |
High-quality audio output | Sound can distort over long periods underwater |
Features four volume settings | |
Hypoallergenic IP67 waterproof ear pads | |
Doubles as a wired headphone | |
Built-in volume controls | |
Made of durable materials |
Our Verdict


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CozyPhones Kids Headphone Headband

“Headphones for all ages.”
CozyPhones is a small company that manufactures adult and kids headband headphones. A personal project, Paul, CozyPhones’ CEO, was so disappointed by his purchase that he thought it best to make his sleeping headband headphones. A perfect gift for anyone who is celebrating their birthday or for the holidays. The CozyPhones Kids Headphone Headband was first launched in November 2015 with its original Froggy design. It was an instant hit as stocks quickly sold out.
After the success of the Froggy design, the company diversified and made various designs for picky consumers. They are not only adorable and extremely fashionable, but they are well-made and works well.
CozyPhones Kids Headband Headphones are soft fleece headbands made for kids and come with fun animal character designs, such as the Paw Patrol design. CozyPhones are robust and appropriate for overly energetic and playful kids. The wired earphones are 36 inches of braided cord designed to withstand unrestrained tugging and pulling. At the end is a 3.5mm stereo plug that is compatible with almost any device. The headband that holds the Ultra-Thin 1/8” speakers made from soft fabric. The embedded speakers are adjustable. It is lightweight, comfortable, and washable.
If your kids hate wearing over the head headphones, this product is your best alternative. CozyPhones Kid Headband Headphones is the only brand if its kind on this list. There will be no struggles with putting headphones on or falling off. And because it is wired, there will no problem with the battery running out or disconnecting with your Bluetooth device.
CozyPhones Kids Headband Headphones feature effective sound-limiting technology, integrating an 85dB limit. Most importantly, it is easy on the budget. One CozyPhones Kids headband costs only $18.97 to $19.97. It is recognized by a Parent Tested, Parent Approved organization and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
Comfortable, soft, fleece materials | Limited feature |
Very affordable | No Bluetooth connectivity |
Volume-limiting feature | Absorbs sweat and dirt |
Washable materials | |
Perfect for toddlers | |
Unique kid-friendly design | |
Compact and easy to store |
Our Verdict


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BuddyPhones Play
BuddyPhones by ONANOFF has proven to be a formidable product in the kids’ headphones industry. The BuddyPhones PLAY carries all the features you would want to get from a BuddyPhones. This line from the electronics company is designed for fun-loving kids in mind. Just like any ONANOF product, it claims to be the best kids’ headphones ever made. With PLAY at your disposal, your kids have access to safe audio anywhere, anytime.
ONANOFF strives to create safe and reliable products that are tailor-made for kids. The BuddyPhones PLAY is an innovative design, especially for children who are traveling. Made from durable and robust materials, it will surely withstand wear from your kid’s little hands. Same as the BuddyPhones WAVE, the headband is very flexible and made from polypropylene. Kids can bend it, pull it in every direction, and the PLAY will survive. And because it is foldable, it is easy to carry and conveniently fits small handbags. The flexible arms will not snap when they are accidentally sat on or dropped.
To further improve the safety features, BuddyPhones PLAY four SafeAudio modes – Toddler, Kids, Travel, and StudyModeTM. The Toddler Mode has a volume limit of 75dB, Kids Mode reaches a volume ceiling of 85dB, and the Travel Mode is set at 94dB. To give kids the necessary focus when studying, the StudyModeTM features 94dB, producing clear and crisp vocals.
Choose from four colors – Blue Glacier, Pink Sakura, Yellow Safari, and Green Amazon for $49.99 per headphones. Of course, the PLAY is engineered with the BuddyCable Audio Sharing feature. It is a built-in audio splitter for more comfortable sharing. Four kids can share the audio from one device with the BuddyCable.
In the box, BuddyPhones PLAY headphones, micro-USB charger cord, BuddyCable audio sharing cord, soft travel bag, and custom nametag stickers. Your kid can customize their PLAY with the labels that come in the box. Listen to music for up to 14 hours without worrying about the damaging effects of loud sounds because SafeAudio is always on. There are a built-in microphone and control buttons on the headphones. Kids can control the volume and skip songs without hassle. Or they can always turn to the three preset volume modes. With BuddyPhones PLAY, volume may be limited, but the quality is not!
Made of durable materials | Not waterproof like the WAVE |
Reasonably priced than the WAVE | Plain colors need to be customized |
Effective volume-limiting feature | |
Customizable design | |
Designed for playful kids | |
Comes with four volume-limited modes | |
Compact and easy to store |
Our Verdict


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LilGadgets Connect+
Connect+ is a wired headphone from the humble LilGadgets. It is colorful, it delivers excellent sounds, and most importantly, it is very affordable. Featured in many articles, this $15 headphones for kids will make every parent’s electronic shopping a breeze. We have featured another headphone from LilGadgets, the Untangled Pro. Compared to the Untangled Pro, which can be connected through Bluetooth and with a cable, the Connect+ is solely wired.
LilGadgets Connect+ is a beautifully designed kids’ electronics for ages three and up. It is made of high-quality materials to ensure durability and utility. The company works tirelessly to meet the demands of innovation to provide kids with premium products they can love and enjoy. With over 6,000 positive reviews both on Amazon and on its website, parents should feel comfortable with handing a LilGadgets product to their child.
Connect, share music and love, and more with the Connect+. Yes, they may look sweet, but these pair of headphones deliver crisp and clear rumble. Sound renders more clearly because each earpiece is integrated with studio-grade 40mm drivers. Highs are evident even at a lower volume. Bass, on the other hand, is less audible when the volume is turned down. Regardless, the LilGadgets Connect+ for perfect for little ears. With a volume-limiting feature, volume levels are safely limited. Even if they are stuck in a noisy environment, kids can still enjoy their music. The Connect+ has Ambient Noise Cancelling feature up to 13dB Passive Noise Reduction and a volume limit of 93dB. Your kid can still enjoy his movie even during a flight.
Because this is a LilGadgets product, you are assured that it is durable. Even at a very low price point, the company insists on using only superior quality materials. Why? Because the LilGadgets is a family who understands the importance of long-lasting electronics that can survive the hands of your little one. The headband is made of polycarbonates, designed for strength and maintain its glossy exterior over time. Each earpiece is covered with LilGadgets patented SoftTouchTM material. Although the headphones promise rugged durability, it also carries a delicate feel suitable for every kid. It provides a comfortable and snug fit, eliminating the annoying sight of loose headphones headbands. After all, it is sized and padded for children! It is also foldable and easy to put away.
You are free to choose from 5 colors – blue, black, green, pink, and purple. In the box, you will get one LilGadgets Connect+ Volume Limited Wired Headphones, premium nylon 3.5mm audio cable with in-line mic, a manual, and a microfiber carrying pouch. Of course, you can share your music with anyone who has a LilGadgets headphone. The SharePortTM feature is also available in the Connect+. Its nylon cord Is not only for connecting with a gadget, but it also doubles as the splitter. All you have to do is to plug into your device, and your friend can have his or her cord plugged into your Connect+. Connecting is indeed made easy with the LilGadgets Connect+.
Colorful, affordable, and feature-filled headphones for kids: that’s what Connect+ from LilGadgets is all about! Every purchase of a LilGadgets product is a donation towards bullying prevention and awareness in public schools and institutions.
Very affordable | No wireless connectivity |
Audio can be shared with friends | |
Made of durable materials | |
Effective volume-limiting feature | |
Designed for little kids | |
Comes with noise reduction feature | |
Compact and easy to store |
Our Verdict


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JLab JBuddies Studio Bluetooth
“It Doesn’t Matter How You Go, Just Go.”
JLab has designed a hassle-free study companion for a productive day of studying, which also doubles as a travel buddy. JLab Audio’s JBuddies Studio Wireless kids headphones are perfect headphones for kids ages six, and up, for $30, you get a durable, high-quality wireless electronic that produces incredible sound.
Since 2005, JLab Audio has become one of the country’s leading producer of quality electronics. JLab’s Engineers and researchers are recognized worldwide having created award-winning product designs, including Bluetooth earbuds, speakers, and headphones. It continues its mission to enhance how people navigate through life. They emphasize incredible sound, innovative technology, and inspired design while maintaining affordability and utility.
JLab understands that you are always on the go, so they commit to creating high-quality gear for every consumer. Every piece that comes from the JLab Audio warehouse equates to long-lasting electronics. It will surely motivate you to work hard and continue pushing farther each day.
Kids today need that same motivation. With the intuitive wireless design of the JBuddies Studio Wireless kids’ headphones, they will keep going with studying, tasks, and without being slowed down by wires. It is equipped with Bluetooth 5 technology and a battery life of up to 13 hours of playtime. It is a perfect pair for when kids work on their homework, traveling, or even in the classroom. Connect with any Bluetooth device. They will stay focus on their schoolwork, and remain productive.
Kids today need that same motivation. With the intuitive wireless design of the JBuddies Studio Wireless kids’ headphones, they will keep going with studying, tasks, and without being slowed down by wires. It is equipped with Bluetooth 5 technology and a battery life of up to 13 hours of playtime. It is a perfect pair for when kids work on their homework, traveling, or even in the classroom. Connect with any Bluetooth device. They will stay focus on their schoolwork, and remain productive.
Available in three colors – Graphite/Blue, Graphite/Purple, and Graphite/Pink. Kids will love the blend of color and sophistication. It sports a unique circumaural design, which goes over-ear headbands. At first look, it may appear like an on-ear headphone, but because this is designed for kids, it should fit like a pair of over-ear headphones. Even at a low price, JLab managed to provide significant cushioning and padding around the headband and earpads. At a budget-friendly price, the materials used in the padding feels like memory foam. This helps in providing extra comfort, especially for the longer listening time, like when traveling or onboard a plane. And because it is foldable, it is compact and travel-friendly.
Watch: Connecting, Troubleshooting and Fitting Your Bluetooth Earbuds, Headphones, and Speakers
In the box, you will get volume-limited JBuddies headphones, offering safe volume control. Volume is limited up to 85 decibels, the level recommended by the World Health Organization. Trust that your kids’ young ears are not damaged. Connect easily to any Bluetooth-enabled device and enjoy the freedom of wireless connectivity.
Reasonable price | No wireless connectivity |
Heavily padded ear cushions | Earpiece cushioning tend to fall off with continued use |
Made of durable materials | |
Effective volume-limiting feature | |
Designed for kids | |
Foldable and relatively compact |
Our Verdict


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Audio KidJamz KJ25
Watch: KidJamz Safe Listening Headphones for Kids
Music Enjoyment for Everyone is what MEE stands for. The MEE audio KidJamz is a safe listening headphone engineered to protect every child’s hearing. As a company that puts primacy on social responsibility, MEE commits to crafting earphones and headphones that are durable and safe. MEE takes cautious effort in protecting the young from the danger of both short-term and permanent hearing loss. With this in mind, the KidJamz KJ25 is a child-safe headphone with volume-limiting technology. Audio enthusiasts feel at home with MEE. They can enjoy listening to music and expect to be at its absolute best. As a company, they spread their passion for exceptional audio electronics by creating innovative audio gear. MEE believes that music is best enjoyed and experienced at studio quality.
Since 2005, MEE has been crafting headphones and earphones and winning the trust of music lovers and audiophiles around the world. They specialize in sports, wireless, and high fidelity headphones, catering to every market. MEE bring enjoyment to their loyal customers by providing a user experience that goes beyond value and performance with every product.
Watch: KidJamz Safe Listening Headphones for Kids by MEElectronics
What may look like an ordinary pair of headphones, the MEE’s Audio KidJamz KJ25 is considered the final step towards safe, high-quality audio gear. Every detail of the KidJamz KJ25 is exceptionally crafted to perfection. The look, feel, and sound of the headphones bringing kids the ultimate listening experience. KidJamz KJ25 is equipped with volume-limiting technology. Parents can rest easy without continually checking on your kid. You can allow your kids to stream from their devices without worrying about their hearing.
KJ25 boasts that it does not exceed the safe volume limit recommended by the WHO. This is a commitment that 50% of kids headphones in the market fail to assure. The proprietary volume limiter that was built into the structure of the speakers itself. So, with every use, parents are sure that the speakers maintain the sound pressure level (SPL) within or below the recommended 85 decibels. Young ears are safe, as well as teaching lifelong healthy listening habits. We are happy to report that kids can still enjoy listening to music, stream movies, and videos, even in noisy environments. There is a concealed switch that parents can press to disable the volume limiter. This button was consciously concealed to prevent kids from accidental activation. Parents are in full control of their kids’ listening experience.
A soft padding covers the adjustable headband, with vinyl earpad cushions. It provides a comfortable and secure fit for boys and girls alike and is best for kids ages four to 12. Available in 3 colors – black, blue, and pink. Kids can express their individuality in the color they choose. Engineered with very few moving parts to let kids enjoy being kids. Each unit provides outstanding durability because it is made from robust BPA-free plastics. The wires are made of reinforced cable, making it tough and tangle-resistant. Cables can withstand all the bends and twists in every direction without any damage.
MEE ‘s Audio KidJamz KJ25 is a perfect pair for kids for music enjoyment and suits their modern lifestyle at only $30.
Affordable price | No wireless connectivity |
Comfortable headband and earpads | |
Durable materials | |
Volume-limiting feature with recommended sound pressure level (SPL) | |
Designed for kids | |
Foldable and compact |
Our Verdict


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